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Senior Pastor of Omega Fire Ministries, Apostle Johnson Suleman has given what he describes as commandments to husbands as received from God, just as the 10 God gave to Moses.

Congregants dominated by men took to their papers as they wrote what the man of God dictated.

“Thou shall have no other wife except one.

Thou shall not speak evil of thy wife even behind her.

Remember the labour of thy wife, when you are rich let her enjoy it.

Thou shall not compare your wife with another woman.

Six days shall thou labour, create a Sabbath day for your wife.

Thou shall not insult thy wife in public so that people don’t know how foolish you are.

Forgive thy wife seventy times seven in a day.

Thou shall make your wife happy at all times, always ask her ‘are you okay?’

Honour thy father and mother-in-law so that their daughter will not return to them.

Thou shall not say to thy wife, ‘leave my house’ lest she goes away with your children.

What kind of husband are you? Are you a husband or a hushband?”

Speaking to the women he said, “for men, what a man needs is not love, it’s honor. Don’t love your husband, honor him. It is the honor you give to him that makes him know that you love him.

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“It is the way you treat a man that makes him think you love him not what you are saying.”

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