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Faith without works according to the scripture is dead. Change is one of the most difficult things in life which does not come without inconveniences, but more often than not is required. We are enjoined to appreciate the place of patience especially in matters that are related to waiting and expectations.

However, just as it is not out of place for the heart to be weary when hope delays, so also can waiting be turned into wasting when not channeled properly in the part of productivity. The lesson that can easily be learnt from the difference between activity and passivity is that being busy does not imply productivity; for one can be busy and not be productive.

The agenda or activities rolled out by Biden on his first day in office as goals to be achieved within 100 days sounded ambitious and discredited the place of vision.

The United States of America which was one of the countries poorly rated for handling the COVID19 pandemic before Joe Biden’s administration is now rated as the best in handling the COVID vaccination distribution and administration within 100 days. There are no two ways about the subject of leadership; it is either you are leading or leaking. The same is similar with waiting or wasting.


Experience is the best teacher but there are places where the acquired experiences will either matter or not. Take the case of a business man and a multi millionaire who thought that the selling and buying experience was all that he needed to take America to the next level. Where one is not appointed, disappointment becomes inevitable. Biden represents the embodiment of knowledge and experience gathered over a period of more than 30 years as a senator. This makes a dictum out of the saying that ‘what the old man can see sitting down, the young man cannot see while standing up’. One key lesson that Americans should learn from the cases of performance between the former president Donald Trump and president Joe Biden is that of putting the round peg in a round hole.

In his first address to the joint section of the congress on Wednesday 28th April 2021, President Joe Biden acknowledged the uniqueness of his administration as the first in history to have two women sitting behind him on the podium in persons of Vice president, Kamala Harris and speaker of the house of representative, Nancy Pelosi. According to President Joe Biden, the uniqueness attests to the fact that ‘work has begun’.

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One of the take homes for that day was the ‘American Family Plan’ – an investment in kids, families, and economic future. President Biden also used the opportunity to solicit a bipartisan support for the passage of the George Floyd police report act as well as action that will help in checkmating gun proliferation and violence. Motion leads to friction but without motion, there can be no momentum.

The goal of moving America forward is everyone’s responsibility and a task that must be done. As America moves on, the administration of President Joe Biden hopes to get at least 70% of Americans vaccinated by July.
Together, yes we can.

By Samuel ‘Tunji Adeyanju.

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