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The former vice president of the United States, Walter Mondale died on the 19th of April, 2021. He aged 93 years.

Walter Mondale, also called Fritz, had his political rise bruised by Roland Reagan twice – 1980 and 1984. When Reagan annihilated Mondale’s bid for the presidency. Those defeats put a stop to the momentum of an accomplished career which included 12 years in the Senate and 4 years as Carter’s exceptionally active vice president.

Jimmy Carter who claims he is a good friend of the deceased spoke on the night of Fritz’s death, ‘Today I mourn the passing of my dear friend, Walter Mondale whom I believe is the best vice president in the history of our country.’ According to Carter, Fritz used his political skill and personal integrity to cause a good change for the vice presidency during their administration.


Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale during 1980 Democratic National Convention in New York City at Madison Square Garden in New York, New York, United States.


One of Mondale’s successors, Al Gore had said to him once, ‘You can divide every vice president in American history into two categories: pre-Walter Mondale and post-Walter Mondale.’

Although, he was not a polarizing figure, he was known to be a party loyalist and a dedicated Democrat.
In 1984, Mondale helped students in organising for Humphrey’s Senate campaign while working for the campaign manager, Orville Freeman. After properly managing Freeman’s gubernatorial victory in 1960, he was appointed as the state’s attorney general.

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Fritz helped Humphrey to manage a volatile situation at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City. It was a heated and an intense brawl over the racial composition of Mississippi’s all-white delegation in 1964.

When he was the former senator, Mondale spent a large percentage of his time in fighting for the president’s legislative priorities on the Hill. He also was a chief participant in the negotiations between President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel and President Anwar Sadat of Egypt which led to the two enemies signing the historic Camp David Accords.

Kamala Harris said in a statement on the night of Fritz’s death, ‘Vice President Mondale was so generous with his wit and wisdom over the years.’ She spoke that she had the opportunity to have a word with him just a few days ago to thank him for his service and for being steadfast.


According to his grieving family, Walter Mondale died of natural causes. They said, it is with great sadness that they share news of their beloved dad’s passing away.

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