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Author Archives: giantabilitymn

Immorality, Bane of African Democracy

Morality is as old as any religious belief that exists in the world. There are schools of thought that believe that religion is a product of morality, and that any religion that does not dwell on moral values is not worthy of adherence. The place of morality, which in the early days among the African … Continue reading

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Russia Ukraine War: Where Running into Fire is the Best Option

It is a very sad situation that we have at hand in the world as is the case in the Russia Ukraine War that is ongoing portends.  We are more saddened by the number of civilians that died, including women and children, as well as the number of refugees who fled Ukraine through the borders … Continue reading

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Darkness Covers the Earth, Gross Darkness the People

Everywhere you turn to, you discover there is a wall which signifies either an obstacle or the end of the road. The people living in the developing countries, especially Africa, yearn to check out of their countries to other advanced countries such as America and the United Kingdom, all in search of greener pastures. One … Continue reading

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African Democracy: Designed to Work, Engineered to Fail

Democracy as a system of government of the people, by the people and for the people is to the African continent imported. It is widely believed as a system of government embraced and being propagated by the United States of America, who is the symbol of democracy in the world. Nonetheless, no room is open … Continue reading

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Nation at a Crossroads: Time to Think or Sink

The best questions are those that are asked, and once the mind is stretched by an idea, it does not return back to its original size.  Opportunities present themselves to people regardless of race, gender, ethnicity and nationalities.  Dreaming is free but actualizing dreams is costly. There are so many questions flying around but which … Continue reading

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President Biden and Vice-President Harris: One Year of Giant Strides

Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night shows knowledge. This is not limited to days alone or specific hours of the day such as day and night, but every second in life counts and little drops of water make an ocean. It will be one year on January 20th, since Joe Biden and … Continue reading

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