Author Archives: giantabilitymn
A Bittersweet Ending: 845,000 Nigerians Converted to Christianity
“Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s ministry is reporting 845,875 Nigerians newly accepted Jesus Christ. “These new converts are being ushered into the 8,000 participating churches, to be followed up and discipled into the kingdom of God,” the Christ for All Nations ministry reported.” Click here for more.
What if . . . ?
“If God addressed our nation, what do you think he would have to say? As God has always taught his children from the beginning love is the answer. In Mark 12: 28-34 Jesus preaches the Great commandments, “The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy … Continue reading
ISIS is losing the Battle, but the War may be lost if Christians can’t return home
“ISIS may still destroy the Christian population in Iraq and Syria along with several other countries throughout the Middle East. Christians have long been persecuted and faced insurmountable odds, yet they have endured.” Click here for more.
God is Omnipresent, even in the bleakest of situations
“As a pregnant heroin addict was about to inject herself in the arm last September officer Ryan Holets, of the Albuquerque Police Department, became her saving grace. Holets was responding to a call about a possible theft, the call later proved bogus. Yet there he was, officer Holets. Or for that matter, God was present … Continue reading
President Trump’s State of the Union: “In God We Trust”
“President Trump delivered his State of the Union address Tuesday night, January 30, 2018. In doing he brought to our attention his faith in God, Christ and the nation. The President stated, “We know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are at the center of the American life.” As it should be. Jim … Continue reading
A Christian school in Canada sued for rigidity on biblical principles