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Category Archives: Columns

Keeping Your Faith Despite a Disability

Motivating and encouraging someone are two acts that are equally different and important. These acts when given or received are very rewarding. People can easily do this on their own, they say one should not wait for encouragement and motivation to be given, that it should be done by oneself, but admit it or not … Continue reading

Overcoming the Stigma of Being Disabled: Helping Others See You as a Complete Person

Dealing with internal struggles is a given challenge if you have a disability. These struggles create a stigma in your life that can stem from the perceptions of other people. Overcoming the stigma of being a disabled individual has its own set of problems that include discrimination and prejudice. Your family members may also have … Continue reading

Keep the Faith by Feeling His Presence

Life is like a roller coaster ride. You experience a lot of highs and lows. One day you can be too excited about things and feel like the world means everything to you. Then another day, you see yourself feeling hopeless. Tough times can easily make you unable to feel His presence and lose faith … Continue reading

Factors to Consider Before Donating to a Charity

If you’re planning on donating to a charitable cause then make sure to never overlook these five essential tips. There never really is a particular time of the year to donate. If you feel like sharing your blessings with the underprivileged or supporting something you feel is important, then you should be able to do … Continue reading

A Donor’s Guide to Choosing the Ideal Charity

Selecting the ideal charity requires you to choose with your head and not just your heart. You need to know that your donations are benefiting the people who need them in the best possible way. While you may be an advocate of an organization’s particular cause, there are still a few things to look into … Continue reading

Love Conquers All: A Slave and His Master

Love Conquers All: A Slave and His Master “Frederick Douglass born into slavery in the early 19th century, became one of the most outspoken abolitionists of his time. His celebrated history is often forgotten, but before King and Ghandi – Douglass talked of equal rights for all races. He also found that the quickest way … Continue reading

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