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Category Archives: Columns

New Year’s Resolution: 10 Bible Verses Perfect for Your New Year

“As we enter the 2nd month of the New Year, let us not forget the promise and the covenant of our Lord and Savior. Here are some verses to help us never forget His enduring Love for us.” Click here for more.

Her Last Words were Her Vows

“31-year-old bride, Heather Lindsay succumbed to breast cancer just 18 hours after marrying the man of her dreams. When David Mosher, Lindsay’s husband, proposed to her in 2016, he wanted her to know that she would not fight her battle alone. As Lindsay’s health declined, doctors told her to marry sooner rather than later. Even … Continue reading

IHOPS 24/7 Prayer

“For eighteen years, the International House of Prayer-Kansas City in Missouri has welcomed visitors to come pray any time in the day or evening. The nondenominational ministry has employed enough full-time staff members to work in shifts to keep 24/7 prayer going. Song-writer John Thurlow explains the dual-platform prayer format. The intercession part involves two … Continue reading

Gender-neutral Term for God

“In an attempt to modernize services, Swedish clergy have been urged by the Church of Sweden to use gender-neutral terms to refer to God, rather than “him” or “he” pronouns.” Click here for more.

God is Omnipresent, even in the bleakest of situations

“As a pregnant heroin addict was about to inject herself in the arm last September officer Ryan Holets, of the Albuquerque Police Department, became her saving grace. Holets was responding to a call about a possible theft, the call later proved bogus. Yet there he was, officer Holets. Or for that matter, God was present … Continue reading

President Trump’s State of the Union: “In God We Trust”

“President Trump delivered his State of the Union address Tuesday night, January 30, 2018. In doing he brought to our attention his faith in God, Christ and the nation. The President stated, “We know that faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, are at the center of the American life.” As it should be. Jim … Continue reading

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