Category Archives: Opinion
“Keep At It! God Takes Your Concerns Seriously” – “And May The Lord Bless You Real Good.” – Billy Graham
“As the Reverend Billy Graham passed on to eternal life and his earthly body lay at rest within the simple pine plywood casket built by convicted murders, the high school students of Parkland, FL were speaking out on gun-control. Is this a coincidence? Not by any means. Graham, who was known for his sincere and … Continue reading
‘Blazing A Path’ – Early African-American Preachers Had Much To Do With The Greatest Religious Movement In American History
“Pastors Rebecca Protten, Richard Allen and Jarena Lee, have almost been forgotten by history, but they faithfully trudged the spiritual path for the black reformation in North America in the 1700’s. Though female and African-American, Rebecca Protten and Jarena Lee came against countless opposition, but the love of Christ and the power of the God … Continue reading
#BringOurGirlsBack – 110 More Students Added To The List Of Kidnapped In Nigeria
“The terrorist group, Boko Haram has kidnapped another 110 students from the Government Science and Technical College in Dapchi, Yobe State on Monday. This is the largest kidnapping since 2014 when more than 270 girls went missing. Over 100 of those children are still unaccounted for. Parents are pleading the government to take action quickly.” … Continue reading
‘Star Dust and Colliding Atoms’ – Without Free Will . . . Is There A God?
“There exists much death, destruction and hate in this beloved earthly realm of ours. If there is a God, why does such horror exist? That is an easy enough answer: There is evil and horror because we each have the power to choose. This is the essence of free will and therefore, God is.” Click … Continue reading
‘This Is Our Campus’ – Overcoming Hatred with Love
“Concerns were more than apparent during a recent discussion on the campus of Appalachian State University. There were a number of protestors to the discussion, as one banner read ‘Hate happens here’, but the love of Jesus Christ and the Bible won out in the end.” Click here for more.
“Blessed are those who die in the Lord . . .” – Evangelist Billy Graham Passes Away at 99
“One of the most influential and beloved evangelists of our time, the Reverend Billy Graham, passed away of natural causes to his new life with the Lord. Graham was one of, if not, the most influential Christian evangelists of our time. His influence extended to the likes of Martin Luther King, Jr., Queen Elizabeth II … Continue reading