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Eighteen Christian Chinese converts in Guangzhou, China have arrived as pilgrims in Nigeria to acquire the knowledge of evangelism through the Roman Catholic doctrine at the Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry, Uke, in Anambra State.

According to Vanguard, the pilgrims consisted of three Catholic priests, two reverend sisters, seven Nigerians resident in China and other Chinese Christians who brought the message of Christ.

Coordinator of the Chinese Charismatic Group at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral, Mary Lu, appealed to Christians in Nigeria to pray for the reception of Jesus Christ by the Chinese.

Lu explained that the group encountered Jesus Christ in Guangzhou through a spiritual director, Rev. Father Emmanuel Obimma, who was used by God to heal a brother suffering from terminal cancer, set to die as confirmed by medical experts.

However, she recounted the difficulties they faced while coming to Nigeria and the timely interventions of God such that they got service waivers which comprised $10 stamping per head.

The Coordinator added that her team was in Nigeria courtesy of Divine Love Prayer Group, China, led by Emeka Ugoagwu to learn the core of service to Christ and evangelism.

While addressing the crowd at the Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry, Obimma said he received a revelation years ago that Uke community adoration ground will be an attraction for international pilgrims, as God has chosen it to be a healing ground.

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Obimma lamented over the fact that about 1.3 billion Chinese do not know and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. He however reassured that the Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry shall support evangelism in China.

He called on Christians to learn the act of sacrifice and engage in evangelism in order to attract instant blessings, reminding them that he is not a miracle worker but a vessel used by God to perfect His desires.

By  Anne Bassey

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