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#ENDSARS: Nigerian Youths should Go On and not Give Up on the Struggle

The #ENDSARS protesters who are the custodian of the soul and the destiny of our country Nigeria must refuse to blend in but must stand out. Their effort at recapturing the bartered destiny of the country on the platform of the #ENDSARS protest and which was aborted was not in futility but has to a large extent sensitize Nigerians and restored hope in the hopeless and making our people to believe once again that the soul of Nigeria can be savaged and recovered. One important area that the formidable Nigeria youth should be careful about is that of being deceived and bought—over by the corrupt politicians who are wolves in sheep clothing.

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In my honest opinion, I do not believe that the next progressive step to be taken by these youth is to register a political party or join the existing ones. Rather they should rekindle the fire in them that made the #ENDSARS protest a huge success and redirect their energy against two important fundamentals that will help in making their dreams to be accomplished and these include; the existing constitution which is not people friendly and the present structure of the country which permit dependence on the center by all the states and local government and a practice which is retrogressive and counter-productive.

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Until a new and people oriented constitution is made available which also will support the restructuring of Nigeria, every effort by the Nigerian youth in the direction of the political transformation and economic emancipation of the country will certainly end in fiasco and will amount to an effort in futility. The foundation of Nigerian political systems is defective and if the foundation be destroyed there is nothing progressive and live-transforming that the youth can accomplish.

Image result for nigeria leaders fighting

At this point in time, the demands of the #ENDSARS protesters have being swept under the carpet not because the government did not listen or hear them, but because it lacks the capacity to meet them. It is important also to sound this note of warning to our politicians especially those who are in the house of assembly and claim to be representing the interest of the masses, that no matter how long the night keeps the dawn will come and the darkest hour is definitely nearest the dawn.

They should bear in mind also, that it is wisdom to prepare for the rainy day and to gain understanding that all the big clothes that they are wearing at the expense of the rags will not help on the rainy day and in the face of leakages, they will surely need the rags.

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Image result for nigeria leaders fighting

To the youth, be encouraged not to give up the fight and rather than give-up, go on. Remember also that there are many ways of killing a rat and not just by cutting its neck. This is the valley of decisions and sitting still and waiting does not make a great future and you cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind.

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If you must get into your future, you must create it as it is impossible to stumble into it. There are scheming’s going on right now by politicians who are counting on you not because they have your interest at heart but because they plan to use you as a bait for fishing. Be wise and instructed, you cannot avoid to play the second fiddle. Be creative, be focused, be expectant and realize that he who fight and runs away lives to fight another day.

God bless the Nigerian Youths

By Samuel Adesanju

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