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Whenever anyone withdraws from a particular group, such is said to be prideful or malicious, and most of the time people don’t take time to interrogate or investigate such individual and understand what they are going through and why they left. Funnily we ascribe most cases to being spiritual but we lack action, the moment one ascribes anything to spirituality people tends to automatically back off. It is ideal that we understand that depression is a mental state of sadness which makes one feel that one cannot enjoy anything, because the situation being faced is so difficult and unpleasant. In the recent times, depression has become a common lexicon, aside this, it has eaten deep into people and has led to loss of lives in Nigeria and the world at large.

A good number of people run into depression unconsciously, individuals that often get affected are the ones that seem strong on the outside especially when there are lots of expectations from the individuals. Serious depression last more than one month and it lingers for long if it is not identified and dealt with. It is very important to note that everyone goes through sad period, which might be due to some factors like: Abuse (Past physical, sexual, or emotional trauma), certain medications, conflict, genetics, death or a loss and some personal problems, all of these can increase one’s risk of depression. The common and recognized cause of depression locally is Death or a loss, especially if the deceased is a very close relative and seems irreplaceable, another example is engagement in a secret transaction and one ended up being scammed or duped. Genetics effect is given less attention but fact remains that family history of depression may increase the chance of one running into it, such comes inform of insanity or mood disorder.

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World Health Organization (WHO), in its research confirmed that depression is a common illness worldwide, with more than 300 million people affected. It can cause the affected person to suffer greatly and function poorly at work, at school and in the family. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide.

There is no gain saying that man encounters or faces difficulties, set-backs, disappointments and failure in life, as the normal saying goes that there are two sides to a coin such is the way life is. As unpleasant this might be to the hearing of the reader, there is a need to emphasis the truth about the beauty of life which is the combination of the good and bad, no one bargained for sad moment or devastating occurrences but it is worthy of note that this moment will arise in the journey of man on earth. At this point it is not expected of man to give up on life, rather to develop a thick skin to the life haunting arrows fired at him. People may call it depression but it is one of the fiery darts of the devil (Ephesians 6:16). Depressed minds often believe that the present situation they face is the end for them.

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The Samaritan woman on the outside, looked like someone who doesn’t care about her state, not until Jesus came into the scene and spoke with her that she had five husbands and presently with none, which means her depressed state has lingered for long before the meeting, one significant features of the Samaritan woman was that she surrendered herself to be helped (The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”)That day the lord put an end to depression in her life and many other Samaritans also believed (John4:4-42)

Imagine someone carrying a sickness for twelve years, so was the case of the woman with the issue of blood for twelve years, one could have imagined the financial implications, the stress, the disaster and even the precious relationships she would have lost, but then she persisted, not giving up, not relenting, even at the point that she heard about the Christ, she believed she could get healed. (“And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any, Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched” -Luke 8:43-44).

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It is imperative to note that the Lord remains our portion and our burden bearer. Cases of depression start from the mind which invade ones thought and shatter one’s hope, there is little to what and how we can help our own life-threatening situations not until we look up to the author and finisher of our faith. Tribulations are part of our encounter in life but strongly convinced us that Jesus has conquered the world for us. We are to rejoice in the victory won for us.

Until the mind is diligently guarded, built and rooted on the word of God, one will continue to fall for the wiles of the devil. Breaking forth from depression starts with the act of believing God’s supernatural intervention in every situation, the bible says God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging (Psalms 46:1-3).





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