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We all have the rights to being equal in our society and the respect for these rights can be duly demanded. Nonetheless, in our world today, we witness the huge gap between men and women trying to gain grounds on decision making or being in power. All over the world, women are given only few access to safety, education, political representation and whatnot.


There are still people who are leaders for change, and seek to make a remarkable difference during these hard times. From far and wide, we’ve heard stories and seen proofs, of how some women have made sacrifices just for the sake others. Despite the denials and discriminations we see time and time again that there are still strong women occupying seats of power, assuring us there’s great hope for women in our world. They stand as testimonies that the voices of women can be heard, that there are more grounds women can break.


They exist, women like Kamala Harris and Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala who are raising their voices and volunteering for the rights of women.


Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director general of the World Trade Organization.

Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala became the first woman and African to become Director General of the World Trade Organisation, and her career represents a lot for women out there. What she has achieved does not only serve as a source of strength for African women, but also for women all around the world. She has, and is still inspiring women, making room for more female representation in the world and helped in her own way, to facilitate gender parity.


Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States.

Kamala Harris is also breaking grounds. She is the first woman, especially one of color, to become the vice president. She was a former director general in California, and during her service she made so much marks in the country. Even as a vice president, she is changing the world for good.


There are ways you can help in making the dream, ‘women ruling our world in their own way’ continue being in fruition. It’s not too late to start from somewhere – fundraising and volunteering for women’s rights by joining associations of people with like minds. A world for women is a world for all.


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By Grace Ololade Rauf

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