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The United States of America is reputed as being the most powerful nation, with the strongest army in the world. This belief is not debatable but can be subjected to interrogation, especially by the experience that the world had in the COVID pandemic, that claimed millions of lives and with the United States of America, losing the highest number of her citizens. The goal of any warfare, especially between one nation and the other, is conquest and this can be determined by the number of fatality recorded in the waring countries. With this understanding in mind, as well as the reality of the COVID pandemic being a kind of warfare initiated by one country against another, but unfortunately with the spiral effect that engulfed the whole world, America therefore can be regarded as one’s strong nation amongst many of its equals.

The motives behind the acts of terrorism, defile one single reason or definition, but the end result cannot be what is lacking in clarity. However, suffice to say that terrorists are in classes and the consequences or the aftermath of their actions are also in degrees. For the purpose of shedding light on the classes of terrorists and the different degrees of the consequences of their action, a part of the LivingHope Magazine with the caption of The Dynamics of Terrorism, is hereby presented for your scrutiny and the discovery that you will make will set you on a standing position to caution the super power countries of the world, especially from plunging the entire world into a nuclear warfare and the third world war, which is just a step away going by the most recent escalation of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. This adventure will increase your understanding, especially about the nine major countries of the world that have nuclear weapons in their arsenal and who fit in for description as troublers of the world and super terrorists of our time.

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The Dynamics of Terrorism

By Samuel Tunji Adeyanju


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