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A woman identified as Mary Joseph has narrated the circumstances behind her resurrection.

Mary shared her story at the Living Faith Church a.k.a Winners Chapel during a testimony session in the early hours of Sunday, and was captured in a tweet by the Church on their official Twitter handle, @DavidOyedepoMin.

Following her diagnosis of ulcer, coupled with the fact that her family mourns yearly, she died.

Amazingly, Bishop Oyedepo appeared to her in death and she came back to life. The tweet read:

“In my family, we bury people every year including my 3brothers, 2sisters & parents. Then, I was told I had ulcer & soon after, gave up the ghost at 11am. In the region of death, Papa appeared to me and said, “Come back”. 9am the next day, I sneezed & jerked to life! -Mary Joseph”


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