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According to news outlet, USA Today, 23rd of June 2020, Liberia tops the list of the twenty-five poorest countries in the world with its Gross National Income (GNI) as $710.


Liberia Flag

It is right to say that money is not everything. At the same time, money gives room for basic levels of upkeep. As funny and as unfortunate it may sound, everything in the world needs money for care and attention. Money has become a necessity in all to the point that you need money to make more money. As a matter of fact, a country cannot sustain and elevate to being a developed country and also get to a place of prosperity without money.

The Gross Domestic Profit (GDP) of a country which is also in a way similar to credit scores is calculated annually on a much larger scale. The GDP of a country has a lot of effects on the country as it has the potential to mess with the country’s economy and future. When a country has a low value GDP, other countries do not count it worthy to collaborate with in terms of business and productivity. Liberia has over the years suffered division among other countries as it is rated ‘a low-rank country’.

Liberia was faced with a 12 year war and its people suffered greatly out of it. During the 12 year civil war, the country tore apart. The Liberian Civil war began in 1989 when Charles Taylor commenced a military campaign to bring about the downfall of President Samuel Doe. A band of Libyan-trained rebels led by Charles Taylor invaded Liberia from the Ivory Coast. This war which was initiated by Charles Taylor claimed the lives of over two hundred thousand Liberians out of 2.1 million people.

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The years of the civil war Liberia was faced with has destroyed the Liberian economy in growth rate, debt burdens and 80% estimated rate of unemployment.

Despite the end of the war, the effects of this lasting and devastating conflict is still obvious in Liberia today as Liberians still wrestle with a legacy of destroyed infrastructure and universal poverty. Since the world war, Liberia has suffered from serious food insecurity which has also resulted in low agricultural production and poor household incomes. Healthcare systems have also been struggling to recover as the Ebola epidemic proved that the system is still so weak.


Report has it that currently, 38.4% of the population is suffering from food insecurity, 25% does not have access to drinking water and just 17% have access to basic health services.


By Grace Ololade Rauf

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