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Founder of Sam Ore Ministries, Sam Ore, has revealed to his members how he had nothing but promises when he met his wife while speaking during the “supernatural life” conference on Sunday.

Pastor Ore used the advantage to advise young men to picture a clear future for their wives as most women want stability.

“They want a man that knows where they are going to. When I married my wife I did not have anything but I kept painting the picture of the future. I kept telling her one day, if you can follow me, I am telling you that we have a very bright future,” he said.

Giantability Media Network reports that the clergy who spoke on the topic “Unveiling Jesus and His finished work of grace” culled from Ephesian 2:8, came to a conclusion that there is a correlation between faith and grace since the conference commenced.

He made it clear that grace has made available everything that is needed to live a life that pleases God, be it a life of holiness, prosperity, abundance, healthy life or marriage life.

Articulating on his state before marriage, he said “I didn’t pray for my wife because I found out that my wife was in Christ. I can’t remember the last time I prayed for anything that people pray about today. I hardly pray for general things that people pray about for today.

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“I can tell you that 80% percent of some of the things we call prayer today, for me they are thanksgiving, may be 20% are just requests because everything has been made available in Christ Jesus.” He added.

He explained that most marital problems can be traced to financial problems.

“He suddenly becomes gentle. On the other hand, a woman because of the way she is wired, she starts assuming- saying ‘well he is not talking to me anymore’ while the guy is saying ‘well she doesn’t know she’s the reason why am not talking anymore,” the cleric said.

He however added that money is important in a relationship though not everything.

By: Anne Bassey

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