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Pastors Admonished to Stop Asking “Broke” People for Tithe

By Oluwaseyi Jeje

An American business man and author, Dave Ramsey, has appealed to pastors to stop collecting tithes from “broke people” until they first work on their debt and budgeting.

Ramsey, made this known during his recent free Financial Peace University he offered to pastors at the Southern Baptist Convention’s Meeting.

Ramsey, who is also the author of Financial Peace University said: “That’s the ratio for me instead of just tithe, tithe, tithe, but pastors fail to address debt and setting a budget.”

“When you stand up in front of your congregation, you’re looking at a large number of people who do not have the ability to handle their money. Quit preaching tithe lessons to broke people.

“Let’s teach them how to get on a budget,” he said.

Ramsey stressed that unless clerics have sermons about debt, getting out of debt and getting on budget that tithing will become natural once that person is out of debt, following a budget and committed to serving God.

However, following the controversial advice from Ramsey, Chief Executive Officer of Crown Financial Ministries, Chuck Bentley says Christians should tithe no matter their financial situation.

“Remember that giving is not a tax or a legal requirement to please God, but a voluntary act of worship. It is a tangible way to express our love to God,” he said in an opinion piece for The Christian Post.

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“Give, even if you can only afford $1, as you give, ask God to multiply it for His Kingdom. At the same time, I recommend that you begin to save so you can establish an emergency savings account.

“It is important to give first, then save next, even if it is a very small amount in each category! By working on these goals simultaneously, you will begin to make important changes in the way you manage your income,” he concluded.


Picture Source- Tyler Morning Telegraph


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