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Tag Archives: Religious Organization

PFN Urges Buhari to Resign Amidst Plateau Christian Killings

The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) has urged the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to resign if the task of presiding over the affairs of the country is becoming too difficult for him. Pastor Emmanuel Kure, Secretary General of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria and founder of the Throneroom Christian Ministry, gave the … Continue reading

How To Discover God’s Plan For Your Life

“What am I doing with my life?” is a major concern of many individuals that I know. We are clumsily navigating careers, relationships and friendships and praying that we make the right moves. Most people do not have life figured out by age 25, or even 45, but as long as we have breath in … Continue reading

7 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Relationship with God

Life can get the best out of us. We get busy with work or studies, and family and friends that we forget to spend some time with God. Eventually, we only remember him during special occasions–oftentimes, not at all. This leads us wondering, “How can we strengthen our relationship with God?” GIANTABILITY, a Religious Organization … Continue reading

5 Ways You Can Lift Up Your Spirit Despite Your Disability

We all have had a share of bad days. There were (and definitely more to come) times when we feel as if we have awoken on the wrong side of the bed. We feel pessimistic about almost everything. Living with a disability feels kind of like that. It can twist every aspect of our being—physically, … Continue reading

Your Disability Ends Where Your Faith Begins

People define happiness and achievement the same as good health, money, adventure, and success. But when we look closely into it, there are some things that are beyond those. People with disabilities know this so well. A disability gives people a different view of the world, getting what they want is not always the source … Continue reading

Keeping Your Faith Despite a Disability

Motivating and encouraging someone are two acts that are equally different and important. These acts when given or received are very rewarding. People can easily do this on their own, they say one should not wait for encouragement and motivation to be given, that it should be done by oneself, but admit it or not … Continue reading

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