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Tag Archives: Trust God

Biden’s Concept of a Two-state Solution Revealed

The most important currency in the world that we live in today and which is scarce and, in most cases, elusive, is peace. Leaders of the rich and advanced countries of the world have their minds corrupted for instead of spending their wealth on charting the path to peace, they have chosen to invest in … Continue reading

How To Discover God’s Plan For Your Life

“What am I doing with my life?” is a major concern of many individuals that I know. We are clumsily navigating careers, relationships and friendships and praying that we make the right moves. Most people do not have life figured out by age 25, or even 45, but as long as we have breath in … Continue reading

7 Ways You Can Strengthen Your Relationship with God

Life can get the best out of us. We get busy with work or studies, and family and friends that we forget to spend some time with God. Eventually, we only remember him during special occasions–oftentimes, not at all. This leads us wondering, “How can we strengthen our relationship with God?” GIANTABILITY, a Religious Organization … Continue reading

Overcoming the Stigma of Being Disabled: Helping Others See You as a Complete Person

Dealing with internal struggles is a given challenge if you have a disability. These struggles create a stigma in your life that can stem from the perceptions of other people. Overcoming the stigma of being a disabled individual has its own set of problems that include discrimination and prejudice. Your family members may also have … Continue reading

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