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The issue of tithing which is now a subject of controversy among the believers can be viewed from two major school of thoughts. One strongly believes that tithing is a major requirement for the fulfillment of all righteousness while the other is averse to that belief. In my own singular opinion and with no apologies to any of the school of thoughts, tithing should be a personal spiritual responsibility. That is to say that fulfilling that spiritual obligation should be coerce and intimidation free, for a thing cannot be for God and man at the same time. I have learnt from experience that tithing is the master key that opens the heavens for the outpouring of God’s blessing upon those who tithe with understanding and to the RIGHT PLACES. The only subject of controversy rather than being the act of tithing should be “tithe collectors”, places where they are collected and the use into which they put them. Until the above question is answered, tithing can be a wasteful exercise and an effort in futility. As far as I am concerned, I do not pay my tithe to any pastor with a church denomination for that can be a snare because the tendency for my tithing not to be rewarded accordingly is high. Church denominationalism these days, as cankerworm, has eaten deep into the fabrics of our sense of spiritual collectiveness thereby eroding our unity and any house that is divided against itself cannot stand. The word of God says in Mal. 3:10 ” ….bring all tithe to the store house that there may be meat in my house…..” No matter how good your seed is, until it falls into a fertile land, it cannot fructify. It is not the seed that is a problem but the land. Remember, God does not live in a house that is built with hand and we are the temple of God. The lesson to learn from this is that the tithe we pay to wherever we pay it should be used to take care of the needy (believer or unbeliever) and if not, please, DO NOT!!!

ALSO READ:  Obedient is a Movement

Pastor Samuel Tunji Adeyanju.

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