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Man was a perfect creation straight from God’s skillful hands not by accident but by the result of wisdom, love which transcends all of God’s creatures. The statement of ‘God blessed man’ means more than wishing you well, it emphasizes he has given the ability to fulfill your reasons for living as God’s representative on earth. Once we surrender to him, he will use the abilities we have to bring about the greatest potential in our life.

There are quite some animals that are intelligent but God has placed man in charge with physical strength, spiritual knowledge and mental ability to fulfill his tasks on earth, hence the need to discover which we were called on earth to do. Knowing fully well that we are God’s master piece, we are to fulfill God’s plan for our life, go ahead with the plans, make the move to move our life forward, get a desire and by then no devil is equipped to stop us. Your desire is a picture of your future expectations.

Idleness and laziness have always been a curse upon mankind from the beginning, but diligent employment, hard-work and uprightness are God honoring virtues which promotes self-worth and self-respect.

No one has ever had true success in any endeavors of life without God’s wisdom, determination of mind, hard-work and prayers of faith. Our minds function like a photographic camera which pictures the mind and translates into reality the impressed measure which could be success or failure. If a man pictures himself as great-to-be or accepts living the life of a failure, he gets the exact image of his thought printed out in the type of life he lives, therefore, in whatever plans we may have for our lives, physical or spiritual, there must be a sense of accomplishment of the tasks because success can only be achieved unless it is released from the supernatural world.

Literally, it is naturally reasonable for people to pass through another route in case there’s traffic on the way. We need to understand that failure is a sign that you should explore other opportunities, it is a gauge for growth if truly you need to fulfill purpose. The rule of life is; the more you try, the greater the amount of success you’d record. Each time you run a race you fail to finish 1st, examine your levels of preparation, size up your ability to cope, be frank with yourself and then proceed to make another trial. Only then will the discovery process sail smooth for final conquer. If there are no trials there can never be growth, both physical and spiritual. No student can be promoted in the normal case of passing in examinations.

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Having a vision is also essential for the survival of the world especially for its inhabitants when it comes to discovering purpose and maximizing it. It is a God given revelation that drives the world to a point where man can truly declare that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). It is greater than what we can see, it is deeper than a dream and wider than an idea. It uses faith as bed, it is sustained by hope, propelled into action by the imagination of how life is supposed to be. The world would not have progressed from the stone age if life were run by people who always say it cannot be done. If people of no vision are mainly your friends then your future is doomed. If God has given you a purpose and vision, pursue it with all your strength, might and courage. Remember nature does not permit stagnancy, life is dynamic.

Before a man can successfully reach the goal set for him by God, he must visualize his goals. Visualizing them is an attempt to dream the future in the mind which helps in knowing how to set it and reach the goals set. In spite of all the dreams and revelations about Jesus Christ, he would have been prematurely murdered by Herod. His parents took him and escaped to Egypt until after the death of Herod. God advised Joseph to go back home but avoid Jerusalem and go to Nazareth. In spite of the death threats, devil’s temptations and human persecutions, Christ achieved his goals in 33 years.

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As seen in Job 14: 1-2, the life of a man could be likened to flowers planted in a vine yard whose good life is subjected to the condition of its environment. It could grow naturally and spread productively, it could be cut down painfully or dies due to natural disaster. For flowers to bear fruits and achieve purpose for which it was planted they must undergo painful unbearable processes. It must be pruned and trimmed to a very desired shape so that at the end, a beautiful shape will emerge. Flowers also shed blood during the process of cutting to shape. Remember, Christ likewise grew in stature and shed his blood before he could achieve his glory. It is a natural thing. No blood can be shed without pain. A flower that cannot reproduce under the eyes of its owner may end up being trampled upon. One can only fulfill purpose when they are subjected to godly discipline and watchful eyes of leaders. It is a discipline process for men to pass through problems before achieving success because the beauty of flowers is better seen after growing and trimming. A man that comes to life without using his God given potentials is like a flower that died without beautifying its environment.

Either we like it or not, we have taken another giant step closer to the end as we gradually approach the millennium era of our life. Bible describes the life of a man as vapor which appeared clear for a little time and then vanishes away. The life of a man is short, but very precious in the sight of God. A man who is so ignorant of God’s mind can waste away spiritually, mentally or materially. However short we live, we will give account of our lives unto God.

There is no gainsaying the fact that, divine enablement comes from God, it enables any child of God to achieve what seems ordinarily difficult by human standard. The enablement itself is God’s spirit which could come upon an individual in an unusual manner. No one would have expected Jepthah to become Israel’s ninth judge. He was a son of a harlot, hated and despised by his own half-brothers whose resentment grew to a boiling point. Its high time you start maximizing your God-given potential and stop looking unto man for help, your strength alone cannot take you far except if you could allow Jesus to help you carry your neck breaking burden.

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In the desire to achieve purpose, worry and anxiety is bound to set in. Many people spend much of their useful time and energy worrying about their troubles both real and imagined. The rich would worry and fear robbers who may snatch their money or car, how their investment will multiply and be protected. The poor on the other hand would always lament his life’s misfortunes instead of taking feasible steps to address the problem. He’d blame either his father or in-laws of his failure or poverty and worry why he is not in better positions like his friends and colleagues. Fact remains that’ worrying doesn’t solve the problem other than to cause severe setbacks. It is better to commit our needs to the Lord’ in prayer and be contended with who we are in God, not losing sight of the purpose of what he has called us unto, for the word say ‘where your treasure is, there your heart will be also’.

Arise and rejoice because this is your season, your best year of supernatural increase, abundance and unspeakable testimonies for the manifestation of the plan and purpose of God for your life. You will testify and overcome in Jesus name.

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