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The United Methodist Church (UMC) in the United States has maintained its position against same sex marriage and homosexuality through a recent vote casted that aided the church arrive at its decision. 

Christian Post reports that the church’s delegates on behalf of all the global denomination at a special session of General Conference voted on Tuesday to reject a measure called the “One Church Plan,” which was meant to allow regional bodies of the denomination to determine their position on homosexuality.

The representatives turned out to vote in the “Traditional Plan” with a vote cast of 438-384 which maintains the church position against homosexuality, gay marriage for denominations, while promising to better enforce those rules. 

For years, UMC has battled through debates the issues of changing its position on the matter as stated in its Book of Discipline, labeling homosexuality “incompatible with Christian teaching” but in the conference the vote brought a decision to light.

However, President of the theologically conservative Institute on Religion & Democracy in Washington, D.C., Mark Tooley took to twitter to celebrate the result from the votes casted against the “One Church Plan”.

He tweeted, “African, Filipino, Euro delegates crucial. They saved growing global church from plight of imploding USA Mainline Protestants. Thank you!”

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